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Candidate for EUS SSMU Representative

Hey everyone, my name is Gareth Price and I want to be your SSMU Rep next year. I’ll keep my blurb quick and cut right to heart of my campaign:


(1) I want to enable the formation of a strong connection between SSMU and the EUS next year to benefit students and clubs, including SSMU funding options for clubs and open discussions with council/students so their thoughts are directly represented in SSMU.


(2) Cross pollinate ideas between SSMU and the EUS to improve both organisations, specifically focusing on how the EUS can avoid making the same mistakes SSMU has made in the past and how we can use their experience to improve our society.


I feel that these goals are realistic and that my experience within the EUS in the Board of Governors, Rocket team, Junior Council, and Social events gives me the knowledge and perspective to execute my plan efficiently. Ultimately, I feel that I am running for this position because I care about the EUS and its members, and I feel that my positive energy and experience makes me an excellent candidate to represent the view of the engineering undergraduate society.

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