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Candidate for Board of Governors Member at large

Tired of seeing the EUS BoGged down? Never fear, Ameer is here.  I have experience with the old EUS council meetings, filled with budget reviews, cash flows, policy discussion that were 3 full hours of solid fun. I also have had the pleasure of attending the new EUS meetings, which are 3 hours of listening to the Dean. In all seriousness though, I enjoyed going over EUS financial expenses and recommending cost-saving methods that I’ve learnt from running events. I’ve also gathered a deep understanding of administration at McGill and all of it’s headaches as president of ChESS.  


One focus of the BoG I would like to develop is the EUS long term vision. Back when I was Urep, ideas were being formed on what to do with surplus funds that were accumulating. I believe we have a duty to utilize those funds to further benefit students, for example some talks about a “new initiatives fund” has been discussed briefly in the past or improving the EUS common room.


Lastly, a lot about the BoG remains a mystery to most students, and I believe highlighting some of the notable accomplishments on the wiki page would bring more interest and transparency to our students . There will be a lot to learn as well such as Quebec laws that the EUS must abide by, proper legal terminology but I look forward to tackling this with fellow EUS BoG members.


Thank you for reading my campaign, ultimately most duties will come to the BoG members and will develop throughout the semester so I cannot make too many campaign promises.  

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